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Self Destruct Plastic Tumblers

Self Destruct Plastic Tumblers

With the Self Destruct plastic tumblers, you get two in one. They are not only recyclable but fully biodegradable.

Here is how it works-

The flexy-glass used in these tumblers enable single use, high quality food -grade, polypropylene to break down into an earth friendly wax like structure returning the material to nature.

Due to the material the tumblers can be recycled but if they do, for some reason, become part of the plastic waste stream they will biodegrade in less than a year. This process leaves no toxins or microplastic presence.

Please note the tumblers are fully compatible with the recycling loop of conventional PP and the use of polypropylene does not affect the properties or performance of this product.

What happens if the tumbler is not recycled-

BIOTRANSFORMATION ensures that if the tumblers escape the recycling system, they will safely biodegrade in an open-air environment when exposed to light, air, moisture and microbes. The tumblers then break down into water, carbon dioxide and biomass, leaving no microplastics or harmful substances behind.

The new material is reinforced by the British Standard BSI PAS 9017 which verifies that the plastic biodegrades.

The use of these tumblers would lead to a reduction of fugitive plastic on land. This then leads to a reduction of plastic entering our rivers and oceans, thereby improving the marine environment.


·         100% recyclable

·         Fully biodegradable

·         Made in the UK

·         Low carbon footprint

We have pint and half pint tumblers in stock. These are ideal for sporting stadiums, festivals, horse racing, concerts etc. Please click the link to order.


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