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Cross Contamination in the Catering Industry

Cross Contamination in the Catering Industry

To avoid cross contamination in a catering establishment there are a few things that can be done.

Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is essential. Knowing which products to use and making sure personnel wash their hands correctly is of the upmost importance to reduce the risk of cross contamination.


One of the top causes of cross contamination in the kitchen is cloths. It is essential to use them correctly to prevent bacteria and allergens from spreading.

Using disposable cloths whenever possible is a good way to prevent any bacteria that may have been picked up from spreading. If you are using re-usable cloths, make sure they are thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried properly between tasks.



Cleaning needs to be carried out in 2 stages, cleaning and then disinfecting. Surfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned before using chemical disinfectants. Your kitchen should have a cleaning schedule that can be followed by staff.

An info sheet from Evans Vanodine on how to control cross contamination in the kitchen is available here

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